Glowing Memories: A Firefly Adventure Near Bangkok

Discover a Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience Just an Hour Away

I was on the hunt for a quick getaway from the hustle of Bangkok, something close by and easy on the wallet. Lucky for me, I stumbled upon an incredible half-day trip that ticked all the boxes, and it’s just an hour’s drive from Bangkok!

Here’s what I’ll be sharing with you in this blog:

  • The magical experience of seeing fireflies light up the night.
  • My own adventure and why I believe everyone in or visiting Bangkok should give this a try.
  • Honestly, it’s one of the coolest experiences I’ve ever had.
Picture the forest full of fireflies. The actual experience is far beyond imagination!

Or take a peek at the scene from Disney’s “Princess and the Frog” below for some visual idea:

Next, let’s dive into the real life of fireflies and then experience a real encounter with them in the night time.

Part 1: Getting to know the firefly

Everyone’s exploring the water plant which fireflies usually live in. (Host: GYBN Thailand)

Our experience began in Preda Garden Home, with all of us sitting in a circle. This simple act of sharing stories and laughter with strangers was the first sign that this was going to be an unforgettable day.

Mangpor, the GYBN Thailand leader, shares about fireflies’ characteristics, lifecycles and fun facts.

We dived into the fascinating world of fireflies, learning about their characteristics and behaviors.

  • Did you know that when fireflies are just little larvae, they glow to say “back off” to any creatures that might want to bother them? And as they grow up, they use their light for something totally different – finding a boyfriend or girlfriend!
  • Boys have a light that flashes twice, and girls flash just once. But they have to hurry because they’ve only got about 20 to 30 days to find their perfect match.
  • It’s kind of like their own version of the dating show “Take me out”, where the boys show off their best flashing moves, hoping the girls will flash back if they like what they see.

Next, we went out to explore the fireflies’ natural habitat.

Walking through areas covered with duckweed, where the water surface is hidden beneath a green carpet, was like stepping into another world.

We spent about 30 minutes observing and documenting our findings, sketching the beautiful scenery that these tiny creatures call home.

What I loved most about this activity was the blend of learning and adventure. Getting to know the fireflies’ life cycle and mating rituals was fascinating, but seeing how this knowledge brought us closer to understanding their world was even more rewarding.

Part 2: Our Highlight – Fireflies Encounter

The night walk to see the fireflies in action started at 7pm.

Before we head out to see the fireflies, we get equipped with 2 essential items:

  1. Mosquito repellent, which we must remember to wash off our hands after applying, to ensure we don’t disturb the fireflies with any residue on our hands.
  2. A fan, which we use to gently interact with the fireflies, encouraging them to land on it so we can admire them up close.
This is the fan we use to interact with fireflies. Everyone will get their own.

We went on a quiet walk in the dark (no phones allowed because it confuses the fireflies). It felt like stepping into a secret world, with trees and ponds all around us.

Soon, we started seeing little yellow lights flickering everywhere. It was magical!

Sometimes, the fireflies got close enough that we could gently catch them on fans, which was pretty awesome. Normally, bugs make me a bit squeamish, but this was different – everyone wanted to get closer to them.

The best part: We all got to sit by the water, watching tons of fireflies dating, with beautiful Thai music playing in the background. It was so romantic!

At the end of the night, we even got to release some fireflies the guide’d caught earlier, which was really special.

This is me holding a bucket of fireflies before releasing them soon after.

Taking pictures was tough without any light, but the blurry photos with their glowing lights turned out to be pretty cool.

That wraps up my adventure for today!

If you’re on the hunt for things to do in Bangkok, whether you’re going solo, as a couple, or bringing the family along, I hope this sparks some ideas.

Got any thoughts, questions, or your own amazing Bangkok experiences to share? I’m all ears – just leave a comment below.

Here’s to making your trip to Bangkok unforgettable! Can’t wait to share more tips and adventures with you.


  • You may drive there, or carpool taxi would be another option. (Location on Google Map)
  • Preda Garden Home Open everyday.
  • You can book a private tour for fireflies encounter and other farm activities at their Facebook Page. Booking is Required. (No sponsor)
  • If you’ve got a free day, there’s a cool place where you can hang out at a cafe named after Disney’s Frog Prince, relax with a Thai massage, and feed some farm animals. All this fun is in one spot!
  • In my opinion, this place is great for families and couples, but I totally recommend it for solo travelers too. It’s friendly for everyone!

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